Nearly forgot to post on #earthday! I blame this weird I-don’t-know-what-day-it-is climate we are living in lately 😅
So, what does the “designed with sustainability in mind” mean? For me, it means using as many recycled-content materials as possible.
- My gift boxes, display cards and shipping bags are all recycled paper products.
- All scrap produced in the creative process gets saved for later, because more often than not, there’s always something in that scrap pile that I need!
- I take apart vintage and old/unworn jewelry and salvage the still-usable components. The less brand-new materials I have to use, the better. I feel like it forces my brain to think more creatively when I work within the materials I have on-hand.
- As far as plastic goes, I try to use as little of it as possible; but when it is needed- like bubble wrap and air pacs, I reuse it from the over abundance of family & friends’ (ahem, Amazon 🤭) shipments.
- And shipping? As long as it’s not nasty weather out, I walk my online orders to the post office instead of driving there unnecessarily. Yes, with the pups. We have backpacks. People sometimes honk and wave at us. 😬🐾
- Oh, and of course, recycling! All leftover paper and plastic products that I can’t use in some way or fashion, go to the recycle bin.
➕ Extra nerdy-points; this year I’m really excited to be switching over to compostable bubble mailers for my online orders! 🤓
We all can figure out ways to minimize our footprint while we walk this planet! ♻️✌️#recyclingiscool