Third & Co. Studio is a one-woman-show with a ever-constant small audience of furry creatures, creating small-batch semiprecious stone jewelry and home decor items in Grandville, MI (just west of Grand Rapids). Dana Pearson came up with the business name based on the place she found herself in life; starting a new career at age 30, working out of her home with her pets (that's where the "& Co." part comes in) in her very tiny studio space.

Graduating with a degree in graphic design, this was not the path she had imagined her life would take 10 years ago, but life has its own funny way of working out sometimes. Dana started her jewelry design career back in 2007, working first in sales at her aunt's jewelry store, and slowly learning the trade and working her way up to being another designer for the brand by 2010. Third & Co. Studio was born in 2015 after her aunt retired from the jewelry business, and Dana continued on designing new pieces under her own business name.

Dana's preferred medium is semiprecious stone, but also strives to keep a more sustainable business practice by incorporating at least one component in every single design that is either vintage, recycled, repurposed or reclaimed. This lessens the number of materials that end up in the landfills; even if it is just a tiny amount that doesn't go to waste, it still adds up and makes a difference in our environment.

Additionally, out of Dana's deep love for animals; a portion of profits from every Third & Co. Studio item sold (both retail AND wholesale) gets donated to organizations involved in the rescue, rehabilitation and rehoming of pets in need.